If you have a cat, you must have seen them kneading or making biscuits on soft surfaces such as your couch or blankets. The rhythmic movement of their paws looks just like a baker kneading dough which makes cats look all the more adorable. I can just imagine my cat kneading dough while wearing a chef’s hat. Now that would be a sight!
So why do cats make biscuits? They do it for a number of reasons which we’ll get to below.
What It Means When Your Cat Makes Biscuits
Kneading, or making biscuits is when your cat rhythmically pushes and pulls their paws on surfaces. Most cats knead while standing or sitting on soft surfaces, but they can also do it on regular floors, and even knead the air while lying down whether on their side or back.
Most cats knead with their front two paws, though they may also do it with all four. And most of the time, they extend their claws while at it, especially if you haven’t trimmed them in a while. If your cat is happy and well-loved (which we’re sure they are!), you’ll usually notice them making biscuits when you pet or scratch them where they especially like it.
Ours love head and chin scratches!
7 Reasons To Why Cats Make Biscuits
Kneading is a natural instinct for cats and they may do it in a number of situations. If you’re curious to know why do cats make biscuits, here are seven common reasons.
1. Kittens Do It While Nursing
If you’ve had kittens, you might have noticed them making biscuits on their mom’s tummy while nursing. Even newborn kittens do this instinctively and it’s thought to stimulate lactation and help the milk to flow better. So in fact, making biscuits is an essential action that all kittens do to ensure they get the milk they need to survive and grow up strong.
2. To Comfort Themselves
Although kneading their mom’s tummy is essential in kittenhood, many cats likely carry that habit into adolescence and adulthood as they find it soothing. You’ll also notice that your cat often purrs while making biscuits, so it’s likely they just feel comfortable, happy, or both!
3. To Prepare Their Bed
Cats like to sleep on soft surfaces like blankets, cushions, you name it. In the wild, they would sleep on grass, leaves, and other soft surfaces they can find but since outdoor surfaces may be uneven and have hidden hazards, cats often knead these surfaces to make them more comfortable and safer to sleep on. So, kneading is also important to ensure your cat has a comfortable and safe bed.
4. To Mark Their Territory
Cats have scent glands on their paws and they often make biscuits on surfaces and things to mark them as theirs. If you’ve ever wondered “Why does my cat knead me?”, it could be that they’re also putting their scent on you. Don’t be offended though! That also means that they consider you’re their person.
5. To Stretch Their Limbs
Just like us, cats love to stretch their limbs, especially after a long nap. Sometimes when they stretch, your feline friends will knead their paws with their arms outstretched. They may also flex all four limbs and knead on all fours. This alternating movement may stimulate blood flow and warm up their muscles after sitting or sleeping for too long.
6. They Might Be In Heat
If you have an unspayed female cat, making biscuits may be a sign that she’s going into heat. Other signs include when your cat starts behaving differently such as being extra clingy or loving, rubbing herself against you or other surfaces, or meowing loudly and more frequently. Oftentimes, kneading while in heat will also be accompanied by some drooling.
7. They Knead On You When They Like You
Most cats are shy creatures so they usually don’t approach just anybody for pets or belly rubs. If a cat comes and makes biscuits on you, you know that they’re extra comfortable around you and just want to tell you they love you.
Should You Be Worried If Your Cat Is Kneading?
Now that you know why cats make biscuits, it’s obvious that it’s natural and instinctive, so there’s nothing to worry about. In fact, it often means that the cat feels happy and safe, and is a good sign of your cat’s well-being.
That being said, not all cats continue this action into adulthood. So if you notice that your cat doesn’t knead much, or not at all, it’s still perfectly normal. In this case, your cat might just show their contentment in other ways, and finding that out for yourself is one of the joys of being a cat parent.
What To Do If Your Cat Makes Biscuits On You?
Many cat owners, including yours truly, are happy to have their cats make biscuits on them. Just pay attention and make sure that your cat doesn’t accidentally scratch you or your clothes while at it.
To prevent your cat from accidentally hurting you while kneading, make sure to keep their claws trimmed and observe them when they do it on you. Here are some things you can do if their claws dig into you by accident.
- You can gently remove their paws and redirect their kneading elsewhere;
- Have them lie down on your lap or beside you and continue petting them;
- Place a thick, soft towel or blanket underneath them and let them know this is where they can make biscuits;
- Calmly move yourself or the object your cat is kneading on, out of reach, and continue to reassure or pet your cat.
While kneading is mostly harmless, you should remember that your cat could carry bacteria and other nasties in their claws especially if they are outdoor cats. If they do roam outdoors, be sure to prevent your cats from accidentally knicking you while kneading.
Ideally, you should clean their paws and claws daily, especially if you know they’ve been outside.
We hope we’ve answered your question about why do cats make biscuits. As it’s mostly a harmless, instinctive action, we say just let your cats knead to their hearts’ content. Plus, it’s relaxing for the cat, not to mention so cute to watch!